Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Update and Tips

Tip, if you see a word underlined and highlighted in this blog, you can click on it for more information. Like, if you want to see what's going to be screwed into his jaw bone, click jaw distraction device.

Surgery has been moved to Thursday at 7am and should last 2 to 5 hours.

All went really well during his pre-op appointments. I almost think the little ham enjoyed the attention. He was put under anaesthesia for a CT scan and anyone who's come out of anaesthesia knows how disoriented and cranky it makes you. Plus he hadn't been allowed to eat since the night before. He just laid there smiling while the technicians were prepping him. Now after the scan they received the full force of his wrath, but as soon as he got a boob he was a happy again.

The pediatric optomologist had to dilate his little peepers to check the back of his eyeball for any malformations. Any parent knows that trying to get a baby to open his eyes when he doesn't want to is like trying to untie a knot with oven mitts on... covered in olive oil... while the knot is trying to run away, but he just laid there staring at all the equipment on the docs head. His eyes are perfect but he does have a clogged tear duct and will have a stint placed during the surgery.

The ENT stuck a scope up both nostrils and down into his crowded little throat. I think this is where he started to change his mind about all the attention. Not fun, but it was actually reassuring to get to see exactly why we are putting him through all this. I can't believe he could breath though such a narrow slit that is his esophagus. Poiseuille's law states that the volume of air flowing through a tube for a given pressure gradient increases directly with tube radius raised to the fourth power... other words, just the tiniest increase in the width of his esophagus will quadruple his breathing ability. So let's go! Chop Chop!

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