Friday, June 4, 2010

Some Changes

You know when you're telling a story and you think it's so funny and relevant and when you're done you're the only one laughing, standing there amid a sea of cocked heads and blank stares, and you really wish you could erase the last 5 minuets? Well, with writing, you can do just that. I found myself having to refrain from posting all the little mundane pictures and silly stuff the kids are doing on a day to day basis that would really bog down this blog. So I'm keeping a separate one for our family and getting back to the original purpose of A lot of F's, Garrett's health and development. It will stay nice and easy to access without boring everyone, only posting when there is actually something to update. I'll be whittling down or removing some stuff so you may notice changes. Sorry about going off topic. I guess you just had to be there.

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